The Furthest North I’ve ever been in the UK

WhatsApp Image 2017-10-15 at 20.18.16

I have now been to Scotland!

Our third training was held the weekend just past in Edinburgh, a good four and a half hour train journey away from good ol’ Kings’ Cross. Thanks to Deep Space friends from both the Mixed and Womens teams, travelling wasn’t too bad (okay fine, I had a lot of fun). This is the first training weekend where we didn’t have anyone to play against – and it was great! We had lots of focus on us and lots of play time against each other, working out how best we play together.

The Saturday evening was filled with pizza, warmed cookies with ice cream, youtube videos, and lots of snoozing. Absolutely made the trip up worth it. Shout out to two of our super lovable coaches Jenna and Alex (pictured above very energetically).

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